Dresdner Mahndepots – KUNSTPLAN

About us

neutznerMatthias Neutzner

Matthias Neutzner finished his studies of aviation technology and data processing as a certified engineer. In different professional positions, he dealt with communication processes at the interfaces of society and technology. As a historian, he has been working on the topics of National Socialism and World War II as well as on the dynamics of cultures of memory and politics of history. In his exploration of these topics, Matthias Neutzner has used varied means of artistic expression such as theatre and performance, installations and events in public spaces as well as multimedia productions. He is the instigator and chair of “MEMORARE PACEM. Association for a Culture of Peace”, an intergenerational project (funded in 1991) dedicated to foster peace and human rights.

Email: neutzner(at)memorarepacem.org

zwickerArnd Zwicker

A visual artist, Arend Zwicker initially studied painting, applying himself in parallel to the classical work in ateliers, as well as engaging in art projects in public spaces, as part of architecture, and especially with light (www.lichtkunst.org). As a co-founder of the KUNSTPLAN cooperative he developed the Dresden Memorial Depots project together with colleagues in 2001 and has been involved  ever since.

Email: arend.zwicker(at)gmx.de

Claudia Reichert

Following completion of her studies in communication and media sciences, Claudia has worked in the borad field of Higher Education internationalisation. As a passionate globetrotter, she discovered the “Mahndepots” while strolling through Dresden, her adopted hometown since 2013. She contributes to the project by raising awareness of the Dresden Memorial Depots to Dresden citizens.

Email: reichert(at)memorarepacem.de

neutznerEinhard Grotegut

Architect, graphic designer and visual artist Einhard Grotegut has been working freelance for 25 years  conceiving and arranging exhibitions, designing and creating original fine art. Examining history, tracing historic connections/associations and (re)processing traces of their impermanence characterize his work. He is one of the cofounders of the KUNSTPLAN cooperative.

Email: e.grotegut(at)web.de