Prior to 1943, an anti-aircraft position had already been set up in Liebstädter Straße which was initially manned by a “home flak battery”. Armed with four anti-aircraft guns, curtain fire battery 238/IV took up position in the spring of 1943. Its crew consisted mainly of Luftwaffe helpers – students from Dresden’s grammar and secondary schools born in 1926 and 1927. The battery commander had very few soldiers and non-commissioned officers at his disposal.
The anti-aircraft positions in the Dresden urban area were gradually reinforced until the summer of 1944. In July there were eight heavy batteries and four “home flak batteries” with a total of eighty-four guns and a few light anti-aircraft units stationed in Dresden. But the batteries began to be withdrawn in the autumn. Only three remained in November 1944 and by the end of January 1945 there were none left in the city. The position in Liebstädter Straße was abandoned in November 1944.
Marked in 2001