In the autumn of 1942, the Dresden District Air Command III/IV negotiated with the Dresden Reichsbahn Director over the construction of several large water containers for use in fire-fighting. One was to be on railway property between Wiener Straße and Sidonienstraße. In 1943, a 950 m3 underground water tank was constructed directly at the intersection. Construction was financed by the Reich Aviation Administration. The Reichsbahn ensured that its right of joint use and the cost-free demolition of the tank after the war were stipulated in the contract.
Between 1943 and 1945, several water tanks and ponds were constructed in the Dresden urban area in order to combat the extensive fires which were expected in the dense city centre following an air raid. Of these, the best-known was located at Altmarkt square. The number of tanks and ponds, however, failed to meet requirements. Due to the ever increasing scarcity of building resources and materials, in 1944 Dresden’s Armaments Inspector no longer deemed air-raid provisions to be urgent.
On the night of 13-14 February 1945, the water supply at Wiener Straße was presumably not used. The Reichsbahn administration building located opposite the tank was completely destroyed by fire.
Marked in 2001