Dresdner Mahndepots – KUNSTPLAN

LOCATION 21: Melanchthonstraße 9

21Even before 1941, the Municipal Civil Air Defence Office established a first-aid post in the cellars of the Hermann Göring Vocational School for Boys here to treat people injured in air raids. As a rule, such a first-aid station was assigned to every civil air defence district. Given the desperate wartime need for space, the only rooms available for such stations were to be found in schools, and these were subject to several competing demands. This resulted in the occasional relocation of the first-aid stations and their assignment to multiple districts. In this manner, the first-aid station in Melanchthonstraße was responsible for the injured from districts seventeen and eighteen which included both the “inner Neustadt” (the older areas near the River Elbe), and the “outer Neustadt”.
The Civil Air Defence Medical Service was responsible for the operation of the first-aid stations. A doctor living in the respective area was obliged to head the station and was usually supported by slightly more than ten nurses and assistants from the German Red Cross. The facilities in the unheated cellars were never more than Spartan.
On the night of 13-14 February 1945, several air-raid victims, some of them critically injured, were treated in the undamaged first-aid station in Melanchthonstraße.

Marked in 2001