Dresdner Mahndepots – KUNSTPLAN

LOCATION 15: Kleiststraße 10

15The buildings at Kleiststraße 10 were owned by the Heyde family. A large part of the factory building was occupied by their company, G. Heyde KG, workshops for fine mechanics and optics. The company was an armaments factory registered with the Weapons Inspection Office at the High Command of the Army with the manufacturer’s marking “bwt”. The Heyde KG, which described itself as an OKW-Spezialbetrieb (special supplier to the military), produced components for the construction of battle tanks.
More than 100 companies in Dresden were registered at the Weapons Inspection Office. These included large, well-known firms such as Zeiss Ikon AG, but also many medium-sized and small companies from various industries. Dresden’s armaments industry manufactured a wide spectrum of products ranging form bombsights to entire submarine sections.

Marked in 2001